news&views Winter 2023 | Page 29

$ 3,000 Amy Wenzel
My greatest role model has to be my grandmother who sponsored me for this scholarship and suggested that I apply . I am so impressed by her commitment to her academic career as a teacher and as a researcher , by how curious and intelligent she is , and by her unwavering kindness .
$ 2,000 Paige Ingram
My high school social studies teacher , Mr . Lee , had an incredible impact on my life . He empowered me to support vulnerable populations in my community and educate youth on social issues . He also taught me the importance of engaging with people of varying backgrounds to learn their perspectives and to remain open-minded .
$ 2,000 Declan Sander
My greatest role model is undoubtedly my grandfather . His life journey , shaped by unwavering dedication to his craft as an accountant , his unyielding moral compass , and his devotion to his family , community , and values has left an indelible mark on my heart and soul .

ARTA Certificate / Diploma Scholarships

$ 5,000 Catherine Jarmain
I have had many different teachers and their impact has been profound . Each style of teaching has been different , but they genuinely wanted to hear my perspectives , without judgment . Teachers helped me learn about any given subject and also about myself . The impact of teaching is far-reaching and leaves a legacy for all of us .
$ 5,000 Rachel Yaschuk
If I were to compare myself with any animal , I think I have the most similar attributes to an elephant . Elephants are intelligent , have a high emotional quotient , display leadership , are self-aware , patient , nurturing , compassionate , social , playful , and very loyal and protective of their family .
$ 3,000 Gloria Boyle
Having teachers as parents , I spent many evenings and weekends in classrooms . I became friends with many faculty members : the vice principal would jump on the staff room couches with me ; the gym teacher let me into the gear closet ; the Grade 6 teacher would give me ice cream from his secret stash . news & views WINTER 2023 | 29