Land titles documents were once signed by the property owner — we can view attestations on which an ancestor signed his name . His hand rested on that page for a moment , no doubt with a great deal of pride .
Certificates of death not only clarify family lineage — since spouse , parents , and relationship of person reporting are all identified — but they also provide causes of death , revealing a family medical history . While such certificates share the facts , of course , letters were once the main way of communication within families and can tell more of the story of deaths in a family , as in the case of little Edith , age 7 , written in the beautiful hand of her father , John B . Martyn .
Finding Edith ’ s grave on a popular worldwide collection of gravesites and linking her grave with those of her nine siblings provides that genealogical connection for anyone descended from her parents ’ line — possibly hundreds in five or more generations .
These are the stories that fascinate me . Wish me well in passing that fascination on to the next generation .
ARTA is proud to sponsor its eleventh annual photo contest . All ARTA members — regular or affiliate — are eligible to enter . This year , once again , we have two categories : Masters and Novice . If you have won in the past , you fall under the Masters category ; if you have not been a past winner , enter the Novice category . Winners will be announced in the autumn 2023 issue of news & views and posted on ARTA electronic media sites .
Contest Categories
● Nature ● Well-Aged
● Travel ● Contrast
All entries must be received by ARTA no later than 4:00 p . m ., May 31 , 2023 .
Entries should be mailed to
ARTA Photo Contest 15505 137 Avenue NW Edmonton , AB T5V 1R9
Digital images can be emailed to contests @ arta . net
news & views WINTER 2022 | 9