$ 5,000 EMMA LUKEY
Teachers have had a crucial role in my life : two in particular , Ms . T and Ms . C , meant so much . Ms . T helped calm my first-day jitters as I entered a new school and was always willing to help . Ms . C made my three years incredible , constantly making class fun , telling entertaining stories , and finding something to laugh about . The positive impact teachers have on their students ’ lives makes the world a better place .
$ 3,000 EVAN NADON
If I had to compare myself to an animal , I would say I am most like a mountain lion . Self-reliant , I strive for perfection and rely heavily on my intuition and thirst for knowledge . I am a go-getter and not afraid to research and take on a project . Mountain lions have a sharp intelligence , they are self-reliant , intuitive and strive for success — characteristics I relate to .
Since September 2019 , I have been a youth leader at Hope City Church , and one of my greatest achievements is the trusting relationships I have built with my students . I consider it an accomplishment and a privilege when one of my students feels safe enough to come to me with what they are going through and has the courage to ask for help .
One of my greatest achievements came during the COVID-19 pandemic when I returned to post-secondary education at 45 years old . I enrolled at the British Columbia Institute of Technology and am now in the completion stages of my Interior Design Certificate . Achieving success in my courses , I have completed the first part of the program within a compressed timeline while achieving honours with my GPA .
Teachers are such an important part of students ’ lives ; they have such an influence on how children succeed in life . Teachers have taught me many important life skills and they are friends who are here to support us . To this day I still am in contact with some of my teachers who helped shape the person I ’ ve become today .
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