potting mix , you will need a container . You can certainly go to the garden centre and look for a flat planting tray that is approximately 7.5 cm deep . The alternative is reusing plastic clamshell packaging from things like strawberries or baked goods . I love reusing things , and clamshells are excellent for germinating seeds since the lid can be closed to keep moisture in or remain open to the air . Punch a few holes in the bottom of the clamshell to allow water to drain , and place the clamshell on a tray to catch any runoff . If you are using a store-bought container , make certain it has drainage holes too .
The last item on the list is the seeds themselves . Don ’ t use Iceberg or other head lettuce types . You want a leaf variety , such as Buttercrunch , that grows more quickly .
Now , fill your container with soil and plant the seeds according to the depth recommended on the package . Keep the soil moist but not damp . Misting the soil works best at this stage , as the mist will not disturb the seeds . Keep the lid open by only a couple of centimetres . Place the container and seeds in a warm part of the house , and in a few days you should have germination . Once germinated , you can thin the seedlings to a spacing of 5 to 7.5 cm between plants . At this stage you can put the container and plants under the lights . It is a good idea to set the lights on a timer so you don ’ t have to remember to turn the lights off and on , as they will need to be on for twelve hours per day .
The key here is to keep the soil moist but not wet . If your container is small and shallow it will dry out quickly , so check it every morning . Check the soil moisture by sticking your finger in it , and if it is dry , use a spray bottle to apply a light misting .
In a few short weeks , you will be able to enjoy the freshest and best-tasting lettuce you have ever had in the middle of winter . Have your friends over for dinner , serve them a salad , and brag a little by telling them that you grew the lettuce yourself . It ’ s guaranteed to impress and taste terrific !
Jerry shares a favourite quote , suitable to the topic : “ Anyone who thinks gardening begins in the spring and ends in the fall is missing the best part of the whole year , for gardening begins in January with a dream .” — Josephine Nuese
news & views WINTER 2022 | 23