Highlights of the 2022 ARTA AGM
Vi Oko | Governance Committee , ARTA
Four executive members and over sixty delegates attended the 2022 ARTA annual general meeting ( AGM ) at the Evario Events Centre in Edmonton on October 4 – 5 .
Deb Gerow , Léo Richer , and Lawrence Hrycan were elected to the positions of president , vice-president , and treasurer , respectively . Eight new committee members were also elected . Executive , committee , branch , and liaison organization reports were presented to the membership , and the proposed 2022 – 2023 budget was ratified .
Deb Gerow President , ARTA
Léo Richer Vice President , ARTA
Lorna McIlroy Past President , ARTA
Lawrence Hrycan Treasurer , ARTA
The Communications Committee reported that the readership of the digital version of news & views has increased . One Branch Brochure Grant was approved ; the New Branch Member Grant was redesigned . Two newsletter workshops were held via Zoom , as well as eight teachers ’ convention presentations , which resulted in 300 membership packages being sent out .
The Health Benefits Committee advanced several new benefit plan options to give plan members more choices , and adapted travel coverage to include COVID-19 . ARTARx is ready to open but awaits final approval from the Alberta College of Pharmacy .
The Governance Committee completed a review of ARTA ’ s Policies and Procedures and removed the age criteria for Public and Private Sector benefit plans . Through the Branch Project Grant , CRTA and ERTA received $ 7,500 grants for Steppin ’ Out and the Second Wind Conference , respectively . Scholarships totalling $ 40,000 were awarded to twelve post-secondary students who are direct relatives of ARTA members .
The Pension and Financial Wellness Committee continues to monitor Alberta Teachers ’ Retirement Fund ( ATRF ) investments , share and review financial retirement advice , encourage branch financial workshops , and advertise ARTA ’ s resources and services to active teachers as they prepare for retirement .
The Strategic Planning and Advocacy Committee hosted new committee and board member orientations , two Joint Committee Chair meetings , and an ARTA retreat in Canmore . A committee member continues to represent ARTA on the Seniors Task Force of Public Interest Alberta , focusing on influencing change regarding the declining level of seniors care services . ARTA has also
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