Second Wind 2022 : A Delight
Cam Fahlman | Chair , Second Wind 2022 Conference Committee
Sponsored this past September by the Edmonton Retired Teachers ’ Association ( ERTA ), Second Wind 2022 offered a superb health and wellness conference for seniors at the Chateau Louis Conference Centre .
For those emerging from the pandemic , the theme of this year ’ s conference , Moving Ahead Together , was apt : 150 registrants enjoyed a hopeful and humorous keynote by renowned gerontologist Dr . Adrian Wagg as well as eighteen additional presenters speaking on a range of topics including foot health and fraud prevention , yoga and cooking for one , living in place and road tripping throughout Alberta . With its further offerings of nineteen exhibitors , a light breakfast , two coffee breaks , a scrumptious luncheon , a fun-filled Wine Down and dozens of door prizes , 100 % of responding attendees rated their satisfaction with the entire event as being very good to excellent . Of attendees , forty-seven per cent came from outside Edmonton .
Don ’ t miss Second Wind ’ s tenth conference on September 07 , 2023 .
“ STEPPIN ’ OUT 2023 ”
Mark Your Calendars
The Calgary Retired Teachers ’ Association is delighted to announce that the planning has begun for our annual banquet and conference .
Thursday , April 27 and Friday , April 28 Riviera Hotel and Conference Centre 3515 26 Street NE , Calgary , Alberta
( Same location as past conferences .)
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