From the Branches
Mel Deydey | President , MHADRTA
MHADRTA 2022 Volunteer of the Year
The MHADRTA 2022 Volunteer of the Year was honoured at our September meeting . Congratulations to Lori Karwandy who was nominated by Bonnie Spruyt and Laurel Schlaht . Lori has been a member of MHADRTA since 2018 after retiring from more than thirty years of teaching .
Lori began teaching in 1985 at George Davidson School , where she remained until retirement . She was the French lead teacher for the district and the French facilitator at local colleges and school divisions .
A Milestone Birthday !
Bonnie and Laurel spoke of Lori ’ s willingness to lead volunteers in a variety of activities , from her church ’ s women ’ s group to a French conversation group that has been running for almost fifteen years . Outside of volunteering , Lori stays busy with golf , chess , pickleball , table tennis , aquasize , book club , and social visits with her fellow retirees .
As you can see , Lori is an active person who loves to volunteer . We are blessed to have Lori on our MHADRTA branch executive as second vice president .
MHADRTA congratulated Clare Blore on her 95 th birthday on November 3 , which she celebrated with family and friends .
Clare ( née Wagner ) Blore grew up near Lemsford , Saskatchewan , and graduated as a teacher from Moose Jaw Normal School , the “ then required six-week program .” Her first school was a grades 1 to 9 school with about twelve students . Clare even remembers how many students were in each grade ! She eventually moved to Calgary where her teaching career spanned thirty-seven years .
She and her husband Bill ( recently deceased ) eventually settled in Medicine Hat to be closer to family , though they loved to travel . Once in Medicine Hat , Bill and Clare joined MHADRTA where they became very active members .
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