news&views Winter 2020 | Page 25

It shimmered with light and glistened with watery ripples , and the sounds of people in the summer were enveloping . We were mesmerized . Italian , English , Spanish , French , and German ; an absolute fiesta of languages mingled . The night had only begun as people gathered by the waters of the Grand Canal . A joyful brouhaha of tourists , pigeons , hawkers , ancient buildings , bridges , and watery reflections created an almost Monet atmosphere . Sleep dissipated and we found a spot where we dropped everything and sat . I bought two cups of wine from a colourful , grizzled man , and we toasted our first night in the City of Water . A young man drifted by , fresh off the train , and sat down a few metres in front of us near some steps . Backpack , T-shirt , well-worn jeans , and a battered guitar . His parents had probably been at Woodstock . While we watched , he settled the guitar in his arms and began to play a popular U2 song . People stopped , joined in , cigarettes were passed , drinks were enjoyed , and the summer warmth relaxed us all . My son and I enjoyed a companionable moment , not always possible with a 16-year-old , in the city of his dreams . We drank in the wine and the shadowy sights and sang off-key . Well , I ’ m told I did . Many songs later and after another glass of wine , we left the enchantment for our hotel , humming through the cushiony shadows . No , she is not the “ ugly one .” Now that my son has made the beauty of Vancouver his home , she is the great comforter , a souvenir of a merry moment between a mother and her son .
Violet St . Clair retired in 2017 after twenty-eight years of teaching with Elk Island Public Schools and travelling extensively . Until the world reopens , she cherishes the memories conjured up by her many mementos .


ARTA is proud to sponsor its ninth annual photo contest . All ARTA members — regular or affiliate — are eligible to enter . This year , we will have two different categories . If you have won in the past , you will fall under the Masters category ; if you have not been a past winner , you will enter the Novice category . Winners will be announced in the autumn 2021 issue of news & views and posted on ARTA electronic media sites .
Contest Categories
• Nature • Comfort
• Travel • Landscapes
All entries must be received by ARTA no later than 4:00 p . m ., May 28 , 2021 .
Entries should be mailed to
ARTA Photo Contest 2021 15505 137 Avenue NW , Edmonton , AB T5V 1R9
Digital images can be emailed to jhope @ arta . net
Visit arta . net / photo-contest for contest rules and entry form .
news & views WINTER 2020 | 25