news&views Winter 2020 | Page 16

Outdoor Living

Duane Radford | Article & Photos

For the Love of Dogs

The COVID-19 pandemic has validated the cliché that “ dogs are man ’ s best friends ” in more ways than one . I couldn ’ t help but notice a marked spike in dog walkers in my neighbourhood after the lockdown began this past March . Many even went on twicedaily dog walks ( weather permitting ), providing good exercise for both dogs and owners , and helping to break the monotony of isolation . All retirees can understand the boredom of being cooped up for long periods of time .
My golden retriever , Esther , just turned two and I couldn ’ t live without her — no kidding ! Seems there ’ s always something positive happening on dog walks , either meeting some really nice people , or the positive endorphins that set the mind to rest , erasing those genes of depression that always lurk just below the surface of one ’ s psychic reservoir .
– Author ’ s friend , Bob Henninger , retiree
When you take your dog for a walk , remember that it ’ s the dog ’ s walk , not yours . Don ’ t yank on its leash if it stops to smell an interesting scent or nibble on grass . Follow this mantra and you ’ ll have many fine hours walking a dog , an ordinary experience that will always bring you down to earth . The walk connects you with important primal elements that dogs notice , such as unusual activities , other dogs and people , and best of all , interesting scents ! Additionally , the walks will improve your mental and physical health , value-added benefits to the basic experience . How long you walk a dog depends on both your physical condition and that of your dog . Dogs make wonderful companions for seniors . They ’ re non-judgmental . Some breeds are excellent watch dogs , while others have more specialized roles . To keep dogs happy , get them out of the house on interesting walks . It is useful to stick to the same basic routine when starting the walk . This includes putting on their collar before leaving the house , putting them on a leash while getting in and out of a vehicle , and using a reward like a small biscuit , before actually starting the walk . Then you can vary your route depending on where you ’ re walking . The dog needs to understand that you ’ re in charge — for their safety , so they don ’ t wander off — so make this clear from the get-go .
We don ’ t know exactly when humans started domesticating dogs , but scientific sources think that this friendship could go as far back as 40,000 years . Nowadays , there are many genres of purebred dog breeds — for example , hounds and retrievers
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