news&views Winter 2020 | Page 14

From the Branches

Janet Jack | Secretary , FRTA

FRTA Awards Garry Hoffart an ARTA Volunteer Award

FRTA is proud to present Garry with an ARTA volunteer award this year . If you have been at any ARTA meetings during the last ten years , you will recognize Garry Hoffart ’ s face !
This people-oriented extrovert has been volunteering in his community and church since he was a teenager . Garry is consistently able to take stock of any situation , see what needs to be done , and gather the people and materials to do it .
In high school , Garry learned of a woman escaping an abusive situation who was planning to live in a metal granary for the winter . Garry found donated materials and volunteers and built her a shelter in a weekend .
Garry taught in the classroom for nineteen years and was an administrator for twelve . He showed initiative from the beginning , starting hot dog programs , outdoor education programs , and even the Chinook County Science Fair . He often took student teachers and is very proud of his cooperating teacher role over the years . He was the facilities chair for the Palliser District Teachers ’ Convention and an EPC representative at the ATA local level for many years .
While doing all of this professionally , he also volunteered his time in the community , working tirelessly for the Active 20-30 Club in High River , the High River Scouting movement , and the youth soccer program . He even built structures at Silverland for all to use . My personal connection with Garry was as president of our private kindergarten in High River , where he helped to keep our wonderful program viable . He and his family had a whole acreage of animals for field trips to see farm animals up close . As Garry ’ s family grew and he moved toward retirement , he kept volunteering in and around High River — from working with classic cars , for local parades , setting up Christmas displays , and being a golf course marshal . The list is endless , it seems .
Garry retired from the Foothills School Division in 2007 , giving him even more time to help others . He worked to establish a cooperative seniors ’ residence called Abbyfield House on the same spot as the private kindergarten he once helped support . He quickly joined FRTA and was president for two terms . Garry then joined the ARTA Health and Wellness Benefits Committee — now the Health Benefits Committee — and served as chair twice during his ten years on the committee . He then served as ARTA ’ s vice president for one year before moving to British Columbia , changing direction in his life journey .
When asked about what has been most meaningful for Garry over his career , he said “ the People !!” Making people happy makes him happy , and he ’ ll miss the people he ’ s connected with when he moves .
Garry is now set to fully retire — from work and from volunteering . He and his wife are moving to Salmon Arm , B . C ., to be closer to family , and also so this prairie boy can wake up every day looking at a lake . He wants to do more gardening and work with the local Rotary club ( so maybe not fully retired !). High River will miss him , FRTA will miss him , and ARTA will have another role to fill when he leaves . Thank you , Garry , for all your hours , organization , and expertise !
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