Closer Than You Think
Bill Fraser | Chair, Wellness Committee
Advances in science and technology affect our everyday lives. Part of that infl uence is in the area
of our physical health and wellness. Innovations have allowed for the early detection, treatment,
and monitoring of many illnesses or physical conditions. Here are just a few of the medical
improvements that have been made.
Arrays of sports watches have
become popular. In addition
to telling time, they can now
measure heart rates and blood
pressure, count steps taken, stairs
climbed, and calories burned.
Some will sound an alarm if heart
rate or blood pressure registers
above acceptable levels.
Those with diabetes can
measure glucose levels with the
prick of a fi nger and a glucose
monitor or more recently, by
simply holding a meter to the
monitor on their arm. Insulin
pumps also monitor and
automatically provide the insulin
that a person needs. In much the
same way, pace makers monitor
the heart and stimulate it in order
to maintain a healthy rhythm. A
person with sleep apnea can use
a CPAP (continuous positive air
pressure) machine to provide a
constant supply of air pressure
to continue breathing and so
achieve a benefi cial sleep — and
no snoring.
Computers are being used more
and more to monitor, track, and
facilitate human recovery and
health. Work continues on hand,
arm, leg, and foot prostheses
to make them look and behave
like the limbs they are replacing.
Muscles, where nerve damage
has occurred, are receiving
computerized stimulation in the
same way that the brain messages
the nerves, thus increasing a
person’s chance to walk again.
Some advances are almost
unbelievable. A toilet developed
in Japan has the ability to analyze
the urine, measure the glucose
and the proteins in it, then send
that information to the user or
their doctor. There is research
in using brain activity to direct
a computer, allowing disabled
persons to communicate and
control their environment. An
operation to moderate the eff ects
of Parkinson’s disease has been
developed. This surgery involves
placing electrodes within the
brain to disrupt the brain’s
electrical activity and improve
physical symptoms.
Even those not hard-of-hearing
could benefi t from the most
recent advancements in hearing
aid technology. New hearing aids
will take the spoken words from
one of twenty-seven diff erent
languages and translate them
into English through a phone.
An English response can be
translated back into the other
language. This could be a great
idea for retirees who travel.
Dialysis machines, robotic
surgery, and advanced
imaging like MRIs (magnetic
resonance imaging), CAT
scans (computerized axial
tomography), and
ultrasound are just
a few more science
and technology
advances from
which we benefi t.
We rely on them
to see into
our bodies,
and treat.
The day of the
bionic man and
woman is closer than
ever. ●
It tracks my steps, monitors
my heart rate, and even
sends texts. Now, if I can only
fi gure out how to get it to tell
me the time…
news&views WINTER 2019 | 39