news&views Winter 2016 | Page 12



The Eye


Denise Barter ’ s poem “ After the Storm ” portrays a storm ’ s wild intensity beautifully . We know well how “ calm is shattered asunder ” as lightning and thunder “ reverberate across the darkened sky ,” and marvel at “ Nature ’ s pyrotechnics , in awesome display ,” that “ turn black skies of night , into day .” The “ deluge of rain ” and “ barrage of hail ” that often hit without restraint and how such storms never “ heed the cries of gardeners , who fear for damage done to what they hold dear ” are familiar to us . And yes , it comes as no surprise “ when the storm is away ,” “ to see the world washed clean .”

This past summer , especially in July , we experienced a rather unusual frequency of storms , some bringing great deluges of rain and hail while others brought ominous clouds but left innocuously . Such powerful storms evoke various emotions from exhilaration to fear and anxiety for gardens , crops , cars and buildings . We can be mystified by storms , but feel vulnerable because of their forcefulness and their ability to destroy .
Some storms build slowly while others arrive quickly and unexpectedly . Sometimes , when clouds are heavy and dark , we anticipate the worst only to watch the clouds pass by harmlessly . Other times , clouds are light and greyish but lash out with harsh rains and ear-splitting thunder .
It seems to me that this summer has been a time of intense personal storms as well . Just as we cannot know how intense a storm may be , we cannot foresee encounters that await us around the bend of the road of life ’ s journey . Life can be tempestuous , tossing us with winds of misfortune , grief , retirement , job loss , depression , and stress . Sudden life-altering news that changes the safe and familiar in our lives can come to us unexpectedly and often with great intensity , leaving us bewildered and breathless . Such storms of life generate an array of emotions and challenges , and in the midst of them we search for answers , for strength and for endurance .
Every one of us will experience a life storm . Storm chasers say that it is crucial to remain calm when close to a storm . If they panic , they may lose the presence of mind to maintain clarity to make wise decisions .
Remaining composed and feeling the quiet within the turbulence of life ’ s storms is not easy . A confusion of emotions can inhibit us from thinking clearly so we are unable to respond wisely . Becoming anxious , discouraged and overwhelmed by life ’ s storms can result in loss of motivation to respond to tasks requiring our attention . We stop thinking rationally and become increasingly more stressed .
Most of us have heard the phrase ‘ the eye of the storm .’ Meteorologists tell us that the most recognizable feature within a hurricane is that huge
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