news&views Winter 2012 | Page 7

that required us to establish a more dynamic set of services and infrastructure . These were available in the market at competitive costs . Such new services and deliverables are what will allow us to secure ARTA ’ s future and maintain ARTA ’ s course towards more independence and autonomy in our operations . In short , these changes will help the association to move ahead while allowing us to maintain the balance Einstein mentions .
Balancing and moving has been ARTA ’ s mandate for almost fifty years . As we look back and reflect on what changes have occurred over the last half century , we need to take the time and thank those who have brought us this far — past ARTA Executives , tireless volunteers , dedicated staff and corporate partners . ARTA has done a masterful job in managing the delicate , sometimes difficult — but always rewarding — task of balancing and moving forward .

Attention All ARTA Authors : ARTA Book Fair

by Ardith Trudzik
Thank you for submitting the titles of books that you have written . ( And if you have not done so yet , please do .) The following information is required to include on the website for our book display : the name of your book , a brief description of what your book is about , your mailing address , phone number and the price of your book , so that those wishing to order the book can contact you directly .
Please forward a copy of each book you wish to donate for the display to Ardith Trudzik , c / o ARTA , Barnett House , 409 , 11010 – 142 Street NW , Edmonton , AB T5N 2R1 .
A Tribute to a Writer by Ardith Trudzik
Jeannette Evangeline Romaniuk ( née Gaumond ), born in the French community of Shell River , Saskatchewan , completed much of her secondary education through correspondence . She obtained a Bachelor of Education degree from the University of Alberta . Jeanette just loved teaching !
After her retirement in 1984 , she continued to tutor many children at various levels . Her passion to write about her own life experiences resulted in two books : Bread Upon the Waters and Gathering Roses Among the Thorns ( Trafford Publishing ). Both books can be found on the ARTA website and will be included in the ARTA book display at Barnett House , or at a Book Fair at branch level celebrations . Copies of each book are available for purchase and can be ordered by contacting the author directly .
Jeanette urges retired teachers to devote their skills and energy toward voluntary literacy programs for adults who have not yet mastered the written word .
ALBERTA RETIRED TEACHERS ’ ASSOCIATION News & Views Volume 19 21 , No . 32