news&views Winter 2012 | Page 41

of various committees and their contribution to the organization . Based on the retreat report , a strategic plan will be developed and presented to board members for their consideration . The first Joint Strategic Planning Committee and Committee Chair Meeting , implemented to help improve communication and facilitate the sharing of committee activities , was held early in May with a second one scheduled for mid-October . As a result committee meetings were clustered , which allowed for more effective use of time and resources , and the duplication of activities was rectified .
The thrust of the work of the Membership / Marketing Committee was to determine ways to make ARTA more visible and irresistible to both active teachers and new retirees . Committee initiatives for the upcoming year include developing a marketing plan , promoting ARTA at ARA conferences and liaising with other seniors advocacy groups .
Recently acquired , state-of-the-art accounting software will provide better tracking of expenses , timely reporting and detailed information that will allow for greater accuracy in budget projections . ARTA revenue amounted to $ 1,078,890 while disbursements totalled $ 1,164,017 , resulting in a deficit of $ 85,127 for the fiscal year ending June 30 , 2012 . Current association unrestricted net assets equal $ 262,028 . The operational budget for next year is expected to reach $ 1.5 million .
Members of the Wellness Ad Hoc Committee attended conferences relating to seniors issues for the purpose of gathering resources and compiling a list of presenters . A sponsorship grant was made available to branches that wished to organize a wellness event .
The Charitable Foundation Ad Hoc Committee has registered the Alberta Retired Teachers Foundation as a non-profit society . The Foundation needs to achieve charitable status before it can become a reality .
The 50 th Anniversary Ad Hoc Committee was formed to initiate activities to commemorate this significant milestone in ARTA ’ s history . An anniversary quilt , curling
bonspiel , photography contest , book fair , volunteer recognition award program and a kick-off banquet have been planned .
The ARTA liaison to the Canadian Association of Retired Teachers outlined concerns regarding retirement income security , shortcomings of the Canadian health care system and the negative impact of Canadian-European trade agreements . An ARTA representative associated with Public Interest Alberta ( PIA ) made AGM participants aware of the various PIA initiatives and actions undertaken on behalf of Alberta seniors in the past year . The ARTA liaison to the ATA Educational Trust Board of Trustees reported that a total of $ 100,000 in bursaries and project and conference grants were awarded to Alberta teachers last year . ARTA makes a $ 2,000 donation to the Trust annually .
Over sixty retired teachers contributed countless hours to the work of the Association provincially while many more provided services to fellow retirees at the branch level . Retired teachers in Alberta are being well served indeed !
ALBERTA RETIRED TEACHERS ’ ASSOCIATION News & Views Volume 19 21 , No . 32