news&views Winter 2012 | Page 38

ARTA AGM Highlights 2012

Delegates representing the eighteen ARTA branches ( including the newest branch — the Heartland Alberta Retired Teachers ’ Association ), nine standing and three ad hoc committee chairs , trustees and liaison appointees , ARTA officers and staff , along with a handful of observers met at Barnett House on October 3 and 4 for the 2012 ARTA Annual General Meeting ( AGM ).
Gordon Cumming , Juanita Knight and Paul Demers were re-elected to their respective positions of president , vice-president and treasurer .
The Alberta Teachers ’ Retirement Fund ( ATRF ) CEO reported that the number of new pensions ( 1,234 ) that commenced in the year ending August 31 , 2012 , increased substantially from the previous year . A total of 23,892 pensions were paid for an annual payroll of approximately $ 670 million . The assets of the Teachers ’ Pension Plan for the post-August 1992 benefit period presently amount to $ 7.2 billion . The pension fund had a very positive return of 7.8 % in the last fiscal year , exceeding the benchmark ( recently lowered from 6.75 % to 6.25 % due to continued volatility in the investment market ) by 1.5 %. As a result of negative market extremes over the past dozen years and the fact that retired teachers are drawing a pension for a greater number of years , an increase in the contribution rate is required to ensure that current benefits are being funded . Contribution rates will increase over the next three years before beginning to decrease in 2015 as earlier deficiencies are recouped .
ARTA officers , committee chairs , branch presidents together with the Executive Director reported on Association and branch activities for the past year .
The Communications / Technology Committee reported that the re designed website , which is compatible with the new membership database , has been launched . ARTA will use Fluid Surveys rather than Survey Monkey to conduct surveys in the future because it meets all of the required privacy regulations . Instead of supplying laptops to all members of the Board of Directors , ARTA is now providing an $ 800 grant , amortized at a rate of 50 % per year over a four-year term , to cover the purchase of hardware , software and Internet virus protection .


ALBERTA RETIRED TEACHERS ’ ASSOCIATION News & Views Volume 19 21 , No . 32