news&views Winter 2012 | Page 32

“ A Marking of Time ” on P . 31 is a happy blend of talents . The Worthingtons offer a treat for eye and ear both in their books and in their classes .
Keith Worthington
Keith Worthington is a Calgary poet and a University of Calgary graduate ( BEd , 1971 ). He has authored two collections of poetry : Puffs of Breath ( 2007 ) and Poet on a Cargo
Plane ( 2010 ). In both books , lines and images from many of the poems are enhanced by the calligraphy of Keith ’ s wife Renate . He is currently working on a collection of hockey poems .
Renate Worthington
Renate Worthington is a charter member of the Bow Valley Calligraphy Guild in Calgary and continues to participate in its projects , exhibitions and publications . Since her first course in l979 , she has studied with many instructors and shared this knowledge with her calligraphy classes . Renate enjoys making letters not only on paper , but has also worked on vellum , wood , walls and canvas . Her commissions include work for schools , businesses and individual clients .
Two items from the fall issue require correction . Sincere apologies to those concerned .
First , Lyle Meeres was the writer of our travel feature ,“ Rhine River Cruise .” The photographs were also his .
Second , in the article ,“ A Special Relationship : Grandparents and Grandchildren ” written by Marilyn Marks , a word changed during the editing process changed the meaning of one of the statements . In the middle column on Page 24 , the statement “… denial of access by grandparents to their grandchildren ,” should read ,“… denial of access of grandparents to their grandchildren .”
Again , sincere apologies to Lyle Meeres and to Marilyn Marks for these errors .
News & Views Deadlines
50 th Anniversary Issue : January 25 , 2013
Summer Issue : April 25 , 2013
Fall Issue : July 25 , 2013
Winter Issue : October 25 , 2013
Your letters and ideas are welcome . Please send them to
newsandviews @ shaw . ca


ALBERTA RETIRED TEACHERS ’ ASSOCIATION News & Views Volume 19 21 , No . 32