news&views Winter 2012 | Page 22

Our Next Great Debate by Paul E . Boisvert

“ Power is power . It exists of and for itself . And the power to sway the human mind is the greatest and most lethal power of all .”
Jack Whyte – The Eagles ’ Brood
Language has been called the most powerful drug known to humanity . The words we hear and speak distort our points of view and affect our innermost feelings . Consequently , words , either clearly understood or misunderstood , have a greater impact on our lives and relationships than we sometimes want to admit . Words are most poignant when the conversation is centered on either the quality of living or on dying with dignity .
There was a time in the not-solong-ago when we knew that certain illnesses were an absolute death sentence . Upon the receipt of the ‘ bad news ,’ preparations began for the arrival of that final heartbeat . Generally , the duration of one ’ s suffering , while perhaps more arduous than it is currently , did not last for a protracted period of time . Death seemed to be more readily accepted as a fact of life .
At the present time , the treatment for ailments and afflictions to which we are subject has intensified to the point , where unconsciously , we begin to believe and act as if we will live forever . This possibility lies either in the advances made through conventional medicine with its overabundance of drugs or amid the plethora of non- conventional treatments , which cover the spectrum from naturopathic


ALBERTA RETIRED TEACHERS ’ ASSOCIATION News & Views Volume 19 21 , No . 32