news&views Summer 2023 | Page 9

From the Editor

Margaret Frances Sadler | Editor-in-Chief , news & views , ARTA

Retiring Ageism

Rebecca Levy , in her 2022 book Breaking the Age Code , asks what five words come to mind when you think of old people . — Try it .
Did you think of doddering and forgetful or wise and caring ? Levy ’ s research , with thousands of people , proves that those with positive age beliefs live 7.5 years longer than those with negative age beliefs .
Of course , none of us are likely to choose all negative or all positive words , but our culture has taught — and continues to expound — many negative age beliefs . They slip in unnoticed , sometimes only apparent when we trip over them . Have you looked at birthday cards lately ?! As Ron Jeffery pointed out in his online ARTA Wellness article on ageism , “ We can ’ t stop getting older , but we do not have to accept nor subscribe to ageism .” Levy offers an ABC to bolster positive age beliefs : increasing Awareness , placing Blame where it is due , and Challenging negative age beliefs . Notice ageism around you , consider whom it benefits , then find ways to debunk its biases .
Do you remember when your mother sent you to the store and you forgot something she ’ d sent you for ? See , forgetfulness can happen at any age . Remember when you lost your balance while playing during recess ? These events are not limited to senior years , so there ’ s no need to fall back on that as an excuse . Ageism helps sell drugs in a way that suggests we are all at risk of dementia , although
according to Canadian research only about 7.1 per cent of seniors were living with dementia ( including Alzheimer ’ s ) ten years ago . ARTA publishes articles in news & views and online that challenge ageism and bring to broader attention the damage that ageism can do .
Reasonably , we do know some conditions are more common as we age , but still , our belief about aging affects how we respond even to ill health , in ourselves or others .
Levy presents practical exercises to help her readers recognize old and new ways of thinking about our age . Are we aging or are we engaged in positive living ? As an organization , ARTA encourages an engaged lifestyle after retirement .
Among the false age stereotypes that Levy identifies is the stereotype that “ older persons don ’ t contribute to society .” In fact , as Levy notes , older persons often volunteer in positions that make meaningful contributions to society . The older age group is more likely to make charitable gifts — as we age , altruism becomes stronger as narcissistic values wane . Our age group is more likely to want to create a better world for future generations ; more likely to share wealth with younger generations .
Now is our time . It ’ s time to engage in new opportunities , to join organizations with shared goals . So many communities need volunteers from among the retired — our wisdom , our patience , our faith in the future . We have so much to share . Our belief in our own value will benefit ourselves and those around us . news & views SUMMER 2023 | 9