news&views Summer 2023 | Page 7

From the CEO

Daniel Mulloy | Chief Executive Officer , ARTA

The Realities of a Post-Pandemic World

As we come out of what were difficult pandemic times , we can now appreciate the lasting effect that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on our lives . There have been many changes in the way we interact and the way we do business , and those changes continue to affect people , businesses , and ARTA specifically .
People : The pandemic affected individuals in various ways , from physical health challenges , to emotional distress , to the loss of loved ones . Increased stress , anxiety , and depression were common as isolation became the norm . Access to mental health services was challenging because of limitations to in-person care . On the positive side , the pandemic highlighted resilience and adaptability , and it increased our awareness of mental health and well-being .
Businesses : The pandemic had a profound impact on businesses , with many experiencing closures , reduced operations , and financial challenges . Hospitality , tourism , and retail were particularly visible examples , but even businesses like call centres experienced difficulties .
Call centres are critical for customer service and support , and many had to adapt quickly to remote work , resulting in changes to operations , training , and infrastructure . Some call centres experienced increased call volumes from changing customer needs and demands , while others struggled to maintain service levels and quality after the rapid shift to remote work . The importance of robust technology infrastructure , employee well-being , and flexibility in call centre operations became evident during the pandemic .
And finally , ARTA : ARTA too needed to quickly pivot to meet the demands of the pandemic . We transformed our infrastructure to support a workfrom-home model , but a year after returning to the office , we are still experiencing some pandemic impacts . Over the last few years , we had become used to a virtual work model . Upon our return , we had to quickly refamiliarize ourselves with in‐person work while integrating newer employees into ARTA ’ s workplace culture . During the pandemic it was easy to wear slippers and pyjama bottoms in a Zoom meeting — but now , we have to remind ourselves of the importance of professional decorum . We also needed to help our partners manage the impacts that COVID-19 had on their operations , and we have done our best to communicate those challenges to our members .
Recovery efforts continue to be ongoing , and it is important to recognize the long-term impact of the pandemic on various aspects of society , and on ARTA , on efforts to provide effective service delivery to our members and to ensure everyone ’ s overall health and well-being . news & views SUMMER 2023 | 7