Think Outside the Box
Yes , going with a tour group is the more straightforward route , but that doesn ’ t mean it has to be boring . Look for tours that specialize in unique culinary or cultural experiences . A river cruise down the Danube will offer a much different experience than a Mexican all-inclusive resort . Make a point of thinking through what you want from your trip — is it new experiences ? Cultural diversity ? Let your heart be your guide , and do something that has only been a dream until now .
Knowledge Is Power ( And Makes for a Better Trip !)
Once you know what you ’ re looking for , invest some time in research so you know exactly what you ’ re getting . While a neighbour may have had a tremendous time on their state capital bus tour through New England , that may not be the right trip for you . There are numerous websites dedicated to single senior travel tours . Internet not your thing ? Find a resourceful travel agent who specializes in senior solo travel to get you on your way .
Travel Essentials
No matter where senior solo travel takes you , a few standard must-dos apply . Educate yourself about some travel best practices , like what travel shoes to pack and how you want to remember travel experiences ( think journal versus camera ).
If you ’ re travelling outside your home province , take the time to read your emergency travel plan and confirm you have the right coverage .
If you ’ re travelling outside of Canada , it is critical to plan ahead , do your research , and regularly review all requirements for your departure , arrival at your destination , and return to Canada . As with every trip , we recommend you review and follow Government of Canada travel advisories . By taking the time to be properly prepared , you ’ ll be able to revel in your golden travel years .
If you have any questions about your ARTA Emergency Travel plan , contact the ARTA Member Services team at 1-855-444-2782 .
Travel insurance does not cover everything . For complete terms , conditions , limitations , and exclusions , please refer to your policy . Our travel insurance is underwritten by CUMIS General Insurance Company , a member of the Co-operators group of companies and administered by Allianz Global Assistance , which is a registered business name of AZGA Service Canada Inc .
Allianz Global Assistance does not tolerate any attempt of fraud and considers it a serious offence . Allianz Global Assistance strictly enforces a zero tolerance policy regarding fraud . news & views SUMMER 2023 | 47