news&views Summer 2023 | Page 23

Hydrangea . Both the old favourite ‘ Annabelle ’ or the newer variety ‘ Endless Summer ’ can add interest to the shade with their large blooms . ‘ Endless Summer ’ offers the bonus of colour in blue or pink depending on whether you add an acid-based fertilizer or an alkaline one . The plant will also re-bloom through the spring and summer . Both plants prefer morning sun followed by dappled shade .
Athyrium niponicum ‘ Pictum .’ The Japanese painted fern is another foliage plant for the shade that can be a focal point all on its own . The clumping fronds are dark green in colour , overlaid in olive and silver-grey . The burgundy stems provide an interesting contrast . This plant will do well in partial to full shade . It is hardy to zone 4 , but with some winter protection and once established , they will do well .
Cranesbill Geranium . The variety ‘ Rozanne ’ — 2008 perennial of the year — is a much better performer than previous varieties . The plant forms midsized mounds of deeply cut green leaves and bears loose clusters of bright violet-purple flowers starting in early summer . Flowering can continue for weeks or months depending on the region . The plant does well in full sun to partial shade . The bonus of the bright flowers makes this an appealing addition to the shady garden .

Tips for Growing in the Shade

Many plants will not tolerate dry shade . Check the requirements of the plant ; if they need moisture , keep them moist but never wet . If your shade garden is under a tree , you may need to water more often .
Take the time to prepare the soil prior to planting . Make the planting hole at least two times larger than the root ball and add lots of organic matter . This additional preparation will help the plant to establish rapidly , especially if the plant is fighting for space with other trees or shrubs . The extra preparation also helps with drainage .
Protect both young and established plants from slugs . Shade gardens are favourite hangouts for our sluggy friends . There are many child- and pet-friendly slug baits on the market .
Gerald Filipski , our wise gardening adviser , received a seed catalog this season with a saying on the cover that speaks to all gardeners : “ Help repair the world .” So Jerry says ,“ Start planting !”
news & views SUMMER 2023 | 23