news&views Summer 2023 | Page 19

Proust Questionnaire

Lawrence Hrycan | Treasurer , ARTA

Lawrence Hrycan Responds to a Proust Questionnaire

What is your idea of happiness ?
My idea of happiness is spending time with family and friends , doing the things we love to do together . We enjoy watching our granddaughters taking part in dance , choir , and gymnastics . I love to get together with family — our sons and their families , as well as extended family . We have also learned to love our church family , which has become an important part of who we are over the years .
Which skill or talent would you most like to have ?
I would most like to have the ability to learn any language easily to be able to communicate with anyone in the world . I admire those who speak multiple languages . Also , I would like to have the ability to play many musical instruments well . I chord some with a guitar but would like to be able to do so much more . I love music ; it was an important part of my life in my youth .
If you could invent something , what would it be ?
I ’ d invent something like teleporting so that you could visit anywhere or anyone in the world in seconds without jet lag ! Susan and I have been to places like England , Ireland , Scotland , Spain , the Canary Islands , numerous states including Florida , Texas , New York , California , and Hawaii , and many provinces in Canada . It would be nice to be able to hop back and forth in seconds so that no time is lost when visiting friends that we made along the way , or when visiting family in Saskatchewan , British Columbia , Ontario , Kansas , and England .
What is your motto ?
Educate our youth well and be nice to the younger generation , for they are going to take care of me in my twilight years ! Do unto others as you would have them do unto you . Always show respect for those around us . We sometimes forget that we are all here to live life to the fullest ; sometimes we get frustrated with life .
What is your favourite place in Canada ?
There is no place like home ! I have been through nearly all the provinces and territories and my home in Lacombe is where I prefer to be . Our neighbours and the people living here are friendly and helpful . I love our deck and our backyard , which we love to share with friends and family .
Lawrence and his granddaughter
news & views SUMMER 2023 | 19