The first Steppin ’ Out Reimagined experience was a city tour with David Peyto “ hiking ” us over some of Calgary ’ s one-thousand-plus kilometres of trails . Then we went back in history to the communities of Midnapore and Rouleauville , long since absorbed into the city . Here , Doug Coates and Suzanne de Courville Nicol introduced us to some of the city ’ s most colourful pioneers . Further afield was a trip to Southeast Asia with Rosemary Kennedy and Selin Sayegh .
Gary Sawatzky updated us on ARTA Benefits , while Shaun Hunter shared her “ Writer ’ s Insights .” Claire Mahoney introduced us to “ Mental Wellness through Exercise ,” while Teri Zucht taught us to be “ Happy .” Julie Van Rosendaal made others happy with the recipe for perfect risotto , and “ Chair Yoga ” evolved from a single session into a six-week class . Dr . Cameron Clark reviewed aging and memory along with some tips to keep us on our toes .
After a successful Steppin ’ Out conference , Rob Skeet rewarded us for a job well done with a Beach
Party Happy Hour in December , and then , as Elton John , made Valentine ’ s Day memorable . Just in time for Easter , Laurie McKay took us wine tasting in Hungary and France .
There ’ s more to come before this chapter of activities concludes . It ’ s been great , but we hope that by the time this epistle is published we ’ ll really be starting to see the whites of each other ’ s eyes and that they ’ ll be life-sized . We trust that with vaccinations , COVID-19 will be “ virtually ” speeding toward the vanishing point .
Keep vibrant , stay involved , and we ’ ll see you at Steppin ’ Out 2022 .
ACER-CART is the national voice of the retired educational community . acer-cart . org
In anticipation of the next federal election , ACER-CART is compiling voter information on four seniors ’ issues : ( 1 ) the need for a national seniors ’ strategy , ( 2 ) long-term care , ( 3 ) national pharmacare , and ( 4 ) pension security .
news & views SUMMER 2021 | 15