ved waking
I really love
rping of birds
happy. I
t Felipe
of these
e day, right
s was a
gbird’s nest.
ave noticed it
tine because we
ken the time
lt, we have
ching of two
at their daily
are the wonders
often take for
in the English
uld possibly be
s world crisis —
orced to slow
ect of our
der to
ush to work.
the grocery
ush for social
do not rush our
children or grandchildren to the
multiple activities that they are
enrolled in. We do not rush.
The opposite is happening in
that we are using every minute in
a different way and, I believe, we
are learning to truly appreciate
nature, relationships, and our
beautiful world. This is what the
quarantine is teaching me. ●
Lorianne was an educator
and administrator in Calgary
for thirty-eight years and was
also Education Director for
the Tsuutína Nation. She last
described for us her experience
as Head of School for the
Canadian International School
in Guangzhou, China, and is
currently Head of Colegio Rex,
Canadian International School
in Mazatlan, Mexico. Lorianne
is married to Phil, her favourite
photographer. She has three
children, two stepchildren, and
two very precocious grandsons.
news&views SUMMER 2020 | 25