news&views Summer 2016 | Page 10



Crossing Bridges : The Fifth Second Wind Conference


Retired teacher branches in the greater

Edmonton area are hosting a wellness conference for all retirees and their friends on Friday , September 9 , 2016 . This one-day event , the fifth annual Second Wind Conference , is once again being held at the Chateau Louis Conference Centre located at 11727 Kingsway Avenue NW in Edmonton . The wellness conference provides an occasion for retired teachers to connect with former colleagues to explore new associations with people who have similar needs , interests and passions .
The keynote speaker at this year ' s conference is Edmonton ' s award-winning author and playwright Marty Chan . He writes books for children and plays for adults , including a hit play that had a successful off-Broadway run in New York in 2004 . The conference theme , " Crossing Bridges " is exemplified in Marty Chan ' s body of work that crosses bridges between cultures , between generations and between worlds .
After a continental breakfast and the opening address , retirees and their friends will choose from eighteen interesting , interactive sessions in three time periods that are intended to stimulate , motivate and educate .
Cross bridges to new knowledge with presentations on starting your own business , Alzheimer ' s disease , and the aging brain . Cross the bridge between past and present with a session on memoir writing . Cross the bridge to developing new skills such as drumming , putting , and line dancing . Or , cross the bridge to a better understanting of technology or to new horizons in art therapy , spirituality , gardening or travel .
There will also be a bridge to a positive retirement by learning about capital estate planning and how to recognize fraudulent schemes . And finally , a session on winetasting crosses the bridge between body , mind and ' spirits .' ( Please note that there is a surcharge of $ 10 for the winetasting .)
The day begins at 8:30 a . m . with registration and the receipt of a conference bag , followed by a continental breakfast in the Grand Ballroom . The registration fee includes lunch in the Grand Ballroom and two coffee breaks . The day concludes with a no-host ' wine down ' and a draw for wonderful door prizes .
An art show and sale will run concurrently with the conference in the St . Michael Room , also the location of the ' wine down .' Displays from various organizations of significance to conference participants will also be located in the St . Michael Room throughout the day .
Early bird registration is $ 65 before August 1 , and $ 75 thereafter . The registration form and information about session speakers are available on the updated website at www . gertasecondwind . org or telephone the registrar , Maxine Anderson , at 780-962-5171 . Registration forms and fee payment must be sent by regular post to the registrar at 14 – 2A Fieldstone Drive , Spruce Grove , Alberta T7X 3E7 .
The conference offers retirees an opportunity for learning , laughing and loving while crossing bridges and renewing an interest in lifelong learning , reconnecting with professional associates , and re-energizing .
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