news&views Spring 2023 | Page 45

Buddhists strive for relational harmonies : individual , interpersonal , family , social , and world harmony . Complete harmony is reached by eliminating the cravings for power , wealth , and pleasure and the desire to cling to one ’ s beliefs and possessions . The teachings of Buddha stress the need to reduce conflict within ourselves , in our relationships , and throughout the world .
When we put our individual needs ahead of those of our family , our community , or the planet , the results can be dire . We are now in the sixth mass extinction , this time brought forth largely by our own doing through population growth , excessive land use , and poor management of resources — particularly water .
So many of us are vastly out of harmony with our planet . Not all , but many people no longer feel the harmony and balance of being part of the world they live in .
The practice of meditation is thought to help promote mindfulness , balance , and harmony . It has its origins in the spiritual traditions of Buddhism and Hinduism . Meditation for even short periods of time can reduce anxiety , enhance focus , and improve sleep quality .
Hinduism also focuses on yoga as a means to improve health and mental clarity . I ’ ve done my fair share of yoga over the years , but I ’ m by no means a regular participant ; I ’ m about as flexible as uncooked pasta . But for me the best part of yoga has been the improved connection to my body . The breathing , the listening , the awareness — they all combine to provide a sense of harmony . A sense of fluidity .
There ’ s a certain harmony in many parts of our lives : the way large herds of caribou roam the tundra , butterflies migrate with the seasons , or birds fly in murmurations . As the seasons change , spring rains lead to new growth , summer holds hope for plentiful crops , and autumn brings thoughts of cooler weather to come .
Many of us have distanced ourselves from nature , putting concrete between us and the environment . It ’ s this distancing that has resulted in our ability to ignore ( or at the very least overlook ) the damage that we are doing to our world .
Harmony is balance , whether in music , nature , or life . Balance is something we should all strive to achieve .
Jane Thrall may not be musically inclined , but she finds harmony in yoga , meditation , and the pursuit of a lower handicap .
news & views SPRING 2023 | 45