news&views Spring 2023 | Page 25

Common Companion Plantings Basil with tomatoes — Said to improve the flavour and growth of tomatoes . Bees love it ; aphids and white flies hate it . The added benefit is that basil tastes great when mixed with tomatoes in a salad . I once interviewed an Italian gentleman who grew the largest tomato plants I had ever seen . In between the rows of tomatoes were rows of basil . When I asked him why he had all the basil , he winked at me and said , “ Tomatoes have a love affair with basil .” Beans with corn , cucumbers , beets , and cabbages — Beans enrich the soil and corn , cukes , beets , and cabbages are all heavy feeders . Dill with lettuce , cabbage , cucumbers , and onions — Said to improve the growth and flavour of cabbage . Lettuce grows well next to it , but keep it away from carrots . The carrots will be smaller . Garlic with roses — Repels aphids .
Marigolds — Excellent reputation as a pest deterrent , so plant freely throughout the garden . Mint with cabbage and tomatoes — Repels white cabbage moths , rodents , ants , flea beetles , and aphids . Improves health of cabbage and tomatoes . Plant in containers as this plant is invasive . Nasturtiums — Plant as a barrier around cabbage , tomatoes , fruit trees , and cucumbers . Good plant for trapping certain pests such as aphids . Deters whiteflies and cucumber beetles .
An excellent website offers a planting guide for beginners starting with companion plantings : heeman . ca / garden-guides / companionplanting .
My grandfather often talked about harmony in the garden and how certain plants should not be planted in proximity to “ keep the peace ,” while other plants should be planted close together to “ help each other .”
As we approach spring 2023 and with the price of produce continuing to rise , I suggest we look at growing our own produce . An organically and environmentally friendly method of gardening is companion planting .
Jerry Filipski , who has been writing garden wisdom for us and others for many years , leaves us with an appropriate quote from Alfred Austin , “ The glory of gardening : hands in the dirt , head in the sun , heart with nature . To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body but the soul .”
news & views SPRING 2023 | 25