news&views Spring 2023 | Page 19

Proust Questionnaire

Kavita Mali | Pharmacist , ARTARx

Kavita Mali Responds to a Proust Questionnaire

What do you appreciate most in your friends ?
What I appreciate most in my friends is that time doesn ’ t faze the quality of our encounters . We can catch up right where we left off as if no time has passed between us . Life is busy for everyone , and more often than not , we aren ’ t able to stay in touch with our friends as frequently as we would like . But real friendship shouldn ’ t depend on the quantity of encounters but more on the quality .
What is the most important lesson you ever learned ?
The most important lesson I ’ ve learned so far in life is to not take my health for granted . The human body is a magnificent wonder . So many parts working together in harmony . But it also has a way of letting us know when something isn ’ t working properly — so listen to your body and don ’ t procrastinate to see a health-care professional when something doesn ’ t “ feel ” right .
What is your motto ?
I believe in the saying , “ It ’ ll happen if it ’ s meant to be .” The reverse is also true : “ If it doesn ’ t happen , then it wasn ’ t meant to be .” Living by these mottos helps me to believe that some sort of divine intervention is involved and helps to relieve some stress and anxiety when dealing with decisions and choices in life .
What is your favourite place in Canada ?
My favourite place in Canada is Toronto . I wouldn ’ t like to live in Toronto myself , and it wasn ’ t until my brother moved there that I developed a liking for visiting the city . There ’ s a scene for everyone — Michelin-star restaurants , Broadwaystyle theatre , NBA / MLB / NHL / CFL sports , beautiful lake life , and a quick drive to the US for shopping .
news & views SPRING 2023 | 19