From Our Partners
Erika Healy , RPN | Nurse Care Specialist , HumanaCare
What Are My Next Steps ? Considerations to Assisted Living and Care Options
In the autumn issue of news & views , we explored how to navigate the health-care system when it comes time to think about assisted living facilities or alternate level-of-care options for you or a loved one .
Once you have chosen an appropriate living facility for the person in need , what do you do next ? What can you expect ? If you have not done so already , it is important to check what government funding may be available . To see what funding options may be accessible and to check if you qualify , please visit
alberta . ca / financial-assistance-for-seniors . aspx .
Wait times for facilities can vary . According to Alberta Health Services , in 2019 – 2020 people waited an average of thirty-five days to be placed in long-term care and eighty days for a supportiveliving spot . Unfortunately , Albertans have seen longer than usual wait times during the COVID-19 pandemic , because outbreaks in some homes have resulted in a pause on acceptances of new residents . Once your preferred site becomes available , you generally have forty-eight hours to accept the offer . After you have accepted , things tend to move along rather quickly , which is why it is important to be ready when you have received notification that a spot is available . It can be helpful to have a checklist prepared ahead of time with items that you are planning on bringing .
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