news&views Spring 2022 | Page 11

eligible METC . A list of eligible METCs is available online by searching for Canada Income Tax Act Income Tax Folio S1-F1-C1 . This document provides a list of those items that are eligible to be claimed as an METC ( such as premiums paid toward a Private Health Services Plan or out-of-pocket costs paid for eligible paramedical practitioners ). You may have submitted other items to the ARTA Retiree Benefit Plans for coverage that were deemed not eligible ( gym memberships , for example ). These may appear on your Premiums and Claims Statement as a denied claim and are not eligible to claim as an METC .
One item that does not appear in your annual statement is the fee you paid to be an ARTA member . While you must be an active ARTA member in good standing to participate in the ARTA Retiree Benefit Plans , the ARTA membership fees do not qualify as eligible tax deductions according to current Income Tax Act regulations .
The statements were posted to each covered member ’ s MyARTA account at the end of February . If you don ’ t have a MyARTA account , or if you previously requested you receive a paper copy of the statement , a paper copy was mailed to you in the first week in March .
Finally , keep in mind that the Premiums and Claims Statement provides a record of the expenses you submitted for coverage under the plan over the past calendar year but are not considered official tax statements . Only official receipts and Explanation of Benefits forms you received may be used for official tax purposes . When in doubt , we advise you to check with your accountant to ensure you are claiming the correct METCs on your annual income tax return .

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• Access your annual pension statements and tax slips easily and quickly news & views SPRING 2022 | 11