news&views Spring 2021 | Page 53

This article discusses sodium intake in general . Please follow the directions you have been given by your health-care professional , especially with the use of prescription drugs .
Especially as we age , keeping sodium balanced can help maintain a healthy blood pressure and reduce any health-related risks .
For most people , there is no clear benefit of reduced sodium diets to prevent heart disease . Some studies show that low salt diets can actually increase the risk of heart attacks or strokes . Other risks of a diet too low in sodium include increased insulin resistance , which can cause higher blood sugar and insulin levels and could lead to diseases like type 2 diabetes , or increased LDL ( bad ) cholesterol and triglycerides , which are common risk factors for heart disease . Low-sodium diets can also increase the risk of death for people with diabetes .
Sodium deficiency , also known as hyponatremia , can be a problem for seniors on medication . Hyponatremia causes nausea , mental confusion , extreme fatigue , headaches , and possible loss of consciousness . Seniors are more likely to develop a sodium deficiency if they take drugs like diuretics , painkillers , or antidepressants , or if they have thyroid , kidney , liver , or heart problems . Once the condition is diagnosed , it can typically be treated with a change in diet or medication . Talk to your family doctor and review the medication you are taking if you have any concerns about sodium deficiency or hyponatremia .
Salt is in so many of the foods we eat on a regular basis that finding the right salt intake amounts can seem difficult . Fortunately , there are some easy things you can do to monitor the salt in your diet . 1 . Cook more meals from scratch so you can control exactly what goes into your food . Prepackaged or processed foods as well as many restaurant meals are extremely high in sodium . For example , use your own oil and vinegar combination instead of a high-sodium salad dressing .
2 . When eating out , make sensible choices by looking for items that state they are low in sodium . Steamed vegetables and roasted entrees are good choices , but watch the toppings and seasonings .
3 . Read labels . Some foods are extremely high in sodium and they may not even taste “ salty .”
4 . Low fat does not mean no salt . “ Low-fat ” products are often high in sodium to add back flavour lost when fat is stripped out . Ron ’ s seizure taught him how important proper sodium levels really are . He concludes : It pays to be aware of the possible side-effects of the medications you are using !
Ron Thompson taught music and French from 1967 to 1997 , from Three Hills to Boyle to Edson , ending in Beaumont . Even in retirement , Ron kept teaching , spending another eight years with daycare and out-of-school-care children .
ARTACares is provided by HumanaCare , an Alberta-based health and wellness provider with more than thirty-five years of Canadian health care experience . For more information on health and wellness topics , webinars , and articles , visit your eldercare portal .
news & views SPRING 2021 | 49