news&views Spring 2021 | Page 28

Go Ahead and Shoot Me !

Doug Heckbert
These words are scary , spectacular , and sensational , exactly why I chose them as the title of my book about my experiences as a probation officer .
The public rarely learns the whole story behind crime media reports . If people relied only on this quote , they would have a distorted view of this particular case . Here is what actually happened .
Roger 1 would go drinking with his workmates on Fridays and come home drunk and demanding . Sally , his wife , put up with this for many years , until one Friday when she had had enough . Sally was furious and wanted to kick him out . He blurted out that this was his house too , and he wasn ’ t going anywhere . She said she was so mad she could kill him . He asked , “ How ?” She said , “ With a gun .” He said , “ You don ’ t know how to use a gun or even where one is .” She said , “ It ’ s downstairs , somewhere .” He asked , “ Do you want me to go get it ?” “ Sure !” she screamed . Roger staggered downstairs and brought his hunting rifle to Sally . She held it in her hands , not sure what to do . “ Where are the shells ?” she asked . “ Downstairs ,” he slurred . “ Do you want me to get them ?” “ Yes !” she yelled , so he staggered back downstairs for the shells , and even showed her how to load one into the chamber . She pointed the gun at him and pulled the trigger . Nothing happened . Roger told her that the safety was on , and took the rifle , moved the safety off , and handed the rifle back . “ Go ahead and shoot me ,” he said . So , she did !
The bullet hit Roger in the shoulder , passed through the exterior wall of their house , and into the neighbour ’ s kitchen . The neighbour called the police , who locked down the neighbourhood . The police found Roger slumped on the floor . Sally was charged with attempted murder and arrested , and Roger was taken to hospital .
Names have been changed .
The case wound its way through the courts . The crown prosecutor eventually agreed to a reduced charge , and Sally pleaded guilty and was placed on probation . After supervising Sally for a year , I was satisfied that she and Roger had worked things out , that probation was successful , and the public was not at risk .
The media lost interest in the case soon after the charges , so the whole story was never reported . During my first interview with the couple , I said to Roger , “ You are the one who should be on probation , not your wife , and you should have been charged with stupidity .” He hung his head and agreed .
Those of us working in criminal justice have to deal with a lot of people doing “ stupid stuff .”
ARTA Member Doug Heckbert , now semiretired , did case work with Alberta Correctional Services , the National Parole Service , and Native Counselling Services of Alberta but spent most of his career teaching at MacEwan College and University . This excerpt from his recently published book , Go Ahead and Shoot Me !, is one of a collection of stories about people Doug met along the way .
Photo : Allison Smith . Go Ahead and Shoot Me ! was published by Durvile Publications .
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