news&views Spring 2021 | Page 22


Deadline for Entries : Friday , November 12 , 2021
Announcement of Winners : Spring issue of news & views ( March 2022 )
Entry Categories
Flash Fiction
800-word maximum . A fictional work of extreme brevity , that still offers character and plot development .
40-line maximum . Any form , any subject .
Travel Vignette
500-word maximum . “ A vignette is a short yet descriptive piece of writing that captures a brief period in time . Vignettes are more focused on vivid imagery and meaning rather than plot ” ( from Wikipedia ). Submit a brief , vivid word picture of a memorable , meaningful travel experience that has left a lasting impression . The submission must be the writer ’ s own experience , written in the first person . This is not intended to be a travelogue . For an example of such writing , please check out “ Souvenirs ” in the winter 2020 news & views .
Please do not submit photos with your vignette .
Direct questions about these rules and guidelines to writingcontest @ arta . net
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How to Submit
Electronic entries as an attachment to an email with the subject line WRITING CONTEST to writingcontest @ arta . net . OR Handwritten or typed manuscripts to Writing Contest , c / o ARTA Office , 15505 137 Avenue NW , Edmonton , AB T5V 1R9
Visit arta . net / writing-contest for more details relating to the categories , contest rules , and entry forms .
Rules and Guidelines
• The contest is open to all ARTA members , except members of any ARTA committee , the ARTA Board of Directors , or their families .
• All submissions must be original work and will be published with the name of the writer .
• Submissions may be handwritten , typed , or electronic ( digital ).
• Handwritten or typed hard copies will not be returned .
• Electronic copies must be in . doc or . docx .
• Decorative fonts are not appropriate .
• Submissions are limited to one entry per category ; however , submissions in more than one category are welcome .
• Each entry must be sent as a separate file , with the official entry form as the first page of the submission .
Contact the ARTA office if a print copy of the entry form is required .
• Entries are disqualified when they
• exceed the category word or line count .
• contain explicit or implied sexuality , violence , stereotypes , or disrespectful content .
• are received after the contest entry deadline .
• The selection of winners by the Communications Committee is final .
• Prizes are awarded for first and second place .
• All prizes must be accepted as awarded .
• Winners will be advised privately by letter and publicly in the spring issue of news & views .
• First and second place winning submissions are published in news & views .
• All entrants retain ownership of publication rights to their work ; however , we ask that winners not submit their entries to another market until after publication in news & views .
• Submitting an entry implies permission to print the winning entry in paper and electronic issues of the magazine , as well as continued display in the online archive of past news & views issues . Beyond this permission , the ownership and copyright for any work is retained by the author .
• As with all news & views content , submissions may be edited using The Canadian Press Stylebook and the Canadian Oxford Dictionary .