news&views Spring 2020 | Page 51

HEALTHY AIRWAY UNHEALTHY AIRWAY UNHE and foreign particles. pa How COPD Affects the Respiratory System The chronic exposure to irritants leading up to the development of COPD causes the airway to become infl amed and obstructs the otherwise eff ortless passage of air. Airway obstruction eventually causes more and more air to become trapped in the lungs during exhalation. This trapped air hyperinfl ates the lungs and then limits the amount of air that can be inhaled. Air trapping continues over time and the volume of air left in the lungs after a normal breath increases. This is why individuals with COPD often experience shortness of breath during strenuous exercise. The chronic irritation also causes the tissues of the lungs, especially the alveoli, to lose their elastic property — otherwise known as ‘compliance.’ In addition to reduced elasticity, COPD results in a dangerous combination of overproduction of mucus and a reduced ability to clear it. This will lead to excessive coughing and diffi culty breathing. This means that it will be diffi cult for air to reach the alveoli to complete the gas exchange, and the saturation of oxygen in the blood will decrease. There is currently no known cure, but there are treatments that can slow the progression of the disease, so it is vital to be aware of the risk factors and symptoms, and see your doctor regularly. ● ARTACares is provided by HumanaCare, an Alberta- based health and wellness provider with more than thirty-fi ve years of Canadian health care experience: This article took information from several reliable websites including, the Canadian Institute for Health Information (,,, and news&views SPRING 2020 | 51