Barb has been an elementary
school parent volunteer for field
trips and has provided kitchen
help for outdoor education and
three-day campouts. She has
been a volunteer for Kiwanis Club
fundraiser activities (raft races
and music festivals), a Casino
worker for various community
organizations, and a planner
and organizer of many events
such as pancake breakfasts for
600 people, races for children,
sports contests and Sunday
morning worship services for
the Red Hatter Travel Trailer
Club. Barb is proud to be a blood
donor — ninety-six times! —
and a volunteer for STARS for
twenty-two years. St. Leonard’s
on the Hill Anglican Church has
been the recipient of countless
hours of her work for fifety-five
years where Barb has served
as Sunday School Coordinator,
taught Sunday School, and
worked with Inn from the Cold.
CARTA is proud to salute our
distinguished volunteers, Barb
Young and Maureen Yamagishi
for their countless hours of
volunteering they have given. ●
CARTA’s Ink Blots
This January our CARTA writing group, the Ink Blots, celebrated its second
anniversary. Robin Carson, our news&views editor, provided a framework and
suggestions for a group in October of 2016, and from this session our writing
group emerged. We meet every two weeks to share our writing through readings,
and discussions. Our thanks to Lyle Meeres, our dedicated leader, for providing
structure, suggestions, and especially support for all our writers. ●
From the Branches
Frank Tschabold | President, WCRTA
WCRTA Presents Two ARTA Volunteer Awards
The Wolf Creek
Retired Teachers’
(WCRTA) held
its annual Christmas luncheon
on November 30, 2018, at the
Ponoka Drop-In Centre. During
the program, we presented
deserving recipients Selma
Stobbe and Dorothy Ungstad
with ARTA Volunteer Awards.
Selma Stobbe’s teaching
career spanned twenty-one
years, beginning in a one-room
school near Wetaskiwin, then at
Warburg, and later at Bluffton
School. She became a substitute
teacher after she retired.
Selma taught vacation Bible
school at various churches
for about twenty years. She
volunteered to be a lector, a
greeter and sometimes a cleaner
at church. While at Bluffton
School, she often stayed after
school or in the evening to
help supervise students for
sports or other activities. Selma
joined the Bluffton Community
Society and has served as
both treasurer and secretary
several different times. She also
assisted with the catering for
community and private events
at the hall and was in charge for
three years.
Selma volunteered with
Rimbey’s literacy program,
helping to improve reading
skills, and was the secretary
for the hospital auxiliary. After
her move to Wetaskiwin, she
news&views SPRING 2019 | 21