news&views Spring 2015 | Page 3



Thoughts on a Pre-Spring Day

By the time you read this , the days will be longer and the temperature warmer — and I will wonder what I was thinking about when I penned this article . Right now , I long for less snow to shovel , for fewer bulky winter clothes and for warm fingers . I know this longing will pass as I either immerse myself in travel articles and do something about it , or just plan for summer .
Thankfully , travel articles in news & views entice me with fascinating destinations — so many places to go and so much to learn . The glossy brochures hold much promise , but it is the lived experience I appreciate and trust . Thank goodness for ARTA travel insurance and the work of the Health and Wellness Benefits Committee that ensures worry-free travel .
That said , we need to be mindful of the rules , regulations and customs of travel destinations . You will find Daniel Mulloy ’ s article hits the high points of the Substantial Presence Test for travellers to the US . What used to be a simple count of 182 days has now been ‘ refined ’ by US law . Follow the links in the article to be sure that you do not have any surprises .
The Governance Committee has been reviewing the recommendations of the Board of Directors regarding how ARTA can best serve its members for the next ten years . We are looking to the future , not to the present . Our organization is ever evolving .
I am concerned about what the effect that the decrease in our oil prices will mean to seniors ’ programs and to the seniors themselves who have worked so hard to make Alberta one of the best places in the world to live . I encourage all of you to offer your best advice and encouragement to whichever political party you support . We did that as teachers , and we must continue to do so knowing that , in the end , it will make our society a better place for all . Such personal involvement will be challenging — but ever so rewarding ! news & views SPRING 2015 | 3