news&views Autumn 2024 | Page 51

How We as Retirees Can Support Male Teachers
How We as Retirees Can Support Male Teachers
Here we are in 2024 and nothing has changed . In elementary schools , male teachers are the minority .
While the most common discourse discusses male teachers as role models for boys , my work shows that the men who choose to teach experience complex lives . We are simultaneously valued and vulnerable .
In school , elementary children meet mostly female teachers , and so the lone male teacher takes on a strong , special identity . However , over time , some men find it increasingly difficult to live up to the conflicting expectations . How do we , as men , form appropriate , healthy , caring relationships with children , parents , and female colleagues ? What does it mean to be a “ male role model ”? What kind of male are we supposed to model ?
As an advocate for men in the classroom , I find it interesting that the call for equity , inclusion , and diversity does not include a call for more male teachers . Children have a right to be taught by men and women .
As retirees , we can advocate for the young men who take the road less travelled .
Garry Jones grew up in Calgary and taught for the Calgary Board of Education for thirty-five years . On “ retiring ,” he continues to teach — at the Werklund School of Education , University of Calgary .
• Educate yourself ; read articles about male teachers and their effect in the classroom .
• Men need encouragement to teach and care for children . Encourage the young men you meet — the volunteer coaches , swim teachers , summer camp staff — to consider teaching . Many men in my classes have told me they never thought about teaching . To become a teacher was often accidental or a result of others saying , “ You ’ re good at this ; have you thought about teaching ?”
• Men need mentors . We can each mentor and support at least one man who teaches . Email articles . Meet over coffee .
• Start conversations with anyone who will listen . Raise awareness of people you meet .
• New teachers need support . If you know a teacher starting their career , offer support . Help in the classroom . Volunteer to read with students .
• Men , write your stories of teaching . You have a lifetime of experience to share .
• Our identities change over time and in different contexts . How have I changed — as a young adult , a parent , and now an older man and grandparent ? What are our roles now ?
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