Reduce Water Usage
Diverting your organic waste from the regular garbage stream is a good first step in reducing waste , but a better option is to compost as much as possible on-site . By combining your household organics with grass clippings and leaf mulch , you can substantially reduce the amount of material that goes to the composting facility while enjoying the benefits of making your own nutrient-rich soil additive at home .
I find that minimizing consumer waste is one of the easiest ways to reduce my environmental impact . Wherever possible , I buy products with minimal packaging , reuse what I have , and source things I need by shopping for a used version first . Sustainable shopping takes more effort than just dropping something into the virtual shopping cart and clicking “ buy ,” but it ’ s well worth the time and energy .
Avoiding single-use products is also a great step toward reducing waste , so bring your own bag to the grocery store , use a refillable water bottle , and avoid over-packaged individually wrapped foods . Ask your coffee shop to fill a clean travel mug you ’ ve brought from home , and if you ’ re not fond of paper straws , bring your own washable metal straw .
Fast fashion refers to clothing made in response to a trend , created from inferior materials and in huge quantities , which benefits companies that retail these products at low cost . Rapid production and lowwage manufacturing are the key to churning out clothing that will be worn a handful of times before being discarded . Massive amounts of these clothes end up in landfills . Instead , buy clothing from reputable manufacturers that are designed to last .
Reducing energy consumption can be a bigger challenge , especially during extremely hot or cold weather . Use energy-efficient appliances and lighting to reduce electricity consumption .
A modest investment in smart home technology to more efficiently control lights , heating , and cooling systems may help reduce energy usage . If your budget allows , explore solar panels , wind fences , or other renewable energy sources to power your home more sustainably .
Finally , use eco-friendly cleaning products to minimize harmful chemicals in your home and the environment . Some of the “ forever chemicals ” and microplastics in our environment are here for the long haul — a legacy for future generations to deal with . Choose healthy products over convenience . Take a lesson from previous generations who cleaned with vinegar and baking soda rather than the toxic sprays available today .
These initiatives can help you reduce your environmental impact and create a more eco-friendly living space .
Jane Thrall is retired and relishes the opportunity to renew , reuse , and recycle . She can be found on the golf course with a bag full of previously used golf balls .
Reduce Waste
Reduce Energy Consumption
Use Eco-Friendly Products
AUTUMN 2024 | 23