The GeriActors & Friends cast performing in their play The Atto Street Gang
For newcomers to the outreach program , nerves are normal , but David emphasizes that there is acting ability within everyone . When we think of hobbies in retirement , we might first think of gardening , painting , knitting , or yoga . The GeriActors challenge seniors through unique creative outlets . “ They need to overcome obstacles , to reach for new things , to do movement , to do comedy , to learn timing ,” David says . He thinks that older people have so much to add to the theatre world , and their performances are a testament to the stories they have lived through and want others to understand . “ Seniors have so much world experience and can tap into something that is so true ,” says David . “ They can create absolutely meaningful and clear theatre .”
When writing their plays , the GeriActors don ’ t make it about age , instead focusing on the experience of aging . One of their shows , Now That We ’ re Older , is about all the things that we leave behind as we age , but also the things we gain . One of the jokes they make is “ having a senior moment .” Forgetting your keys , losing your glasses , and needing directions are often portrayed as mistakes that seniors make ; however , the younger actors point out that everyone forgets or misplaces items . “ This might be something that we think is happening because we get older ,” Becca says , “ but we just think about it differently when it happens to us when we ’ re younger .” David , Becca ,
and their writing team avoid stereotypes about seniors by drawing inspiration from their members ’ experiences and highlighting the good , the new , and the difficult parts of aging .
Through their performances , the GeriActors hope to share stories that are recognizable by their audience . David says , “ We ’ re striving for the audience to say , ‘ I know that ! I know that to be true !’” Community with the audience is important ; it ’ s not just about performing for spectators who sit and watch , but it ’ s also about sharing ideas , demonstrating the rehearsal process , and experiencing the shows as one . Becca hopes their performances resonate with other seniors in the audience and inspires them to take up something new and challenging . As for the younger generation attending their shows : “ I hope they come away seeing how diverse seniors are ,” Becca says , “ and seeing what older people are capable of .”
Theatre lovers in the Greater Edmonton Area can register in the GeriActors ’ outreach workshops or find out more information about their performances at geriactors . ca .
AUTUMN 2024 | 13