news&views Autumn 2023 | Page 51

Better hearing , better health , better you !

Love your ears

Research shows that 40 % of people report better conversations after addressing their hearing loss . 1 By actively participating in conversations and engaging with others , you can foster meaningful relationships , reduce feelings of loneliness , and improve your overall well-being in the process .
That ’ s why we are offering ARTA members and their family a FREE trial of the latest technology in hearing aids for 30 days .*
ARTA Members & Family get an EXTRA 10 % off the final purchase price of hearing aids !**

Book your FREE trial today !

HearingLife . ca / ARTA-TRY 1-888-903-4650
Mention code MAG-TBYB-ARTA
* A comprehensive hearing assessment is provided to adults ages 19 and older at no cost . The results of this assessment will be communicated verbally to you . If you request a copy of the Audiological Report , an administrative fee will apply . Child hearing tests are conducted at select locations for a fee , please contact us for more information . This promotion is valid for select hearing aid models and cannot be combined with more than 1 promotion or discount unless stated otherwise . ** The extra 10 % will be applied to the remaining balance on hearing aids and accessories after all other discounts ( if applicable ). Offer applies to private sales of select hearing aids and discount is applied after government funding has been deducted . Offers not valid in Quebec . Offer expires 11 / 30 / 2023 . 1 https :// www . prweb . com / releases / act _ on _ hearing _ loss _ and _ youre _ likely _ to _ live _ a _ happier _ life _ according _ to _ a _ recent _ survey / prweb18532921 . htm