From the President
Deb Gerow | President , ARTA
Dancing to the Music
Celebrations to mark milestones in our lives are important . They provide the opportunity to reflect upon significant events , remembering where we have been , honouring where we are now , and imagining where we may be in the future . While personally we all have had the chance to joyfully celebrate highlights in our lives , organizations should also take the time to observe important landmarks . This year is the sixtieth anniversary of the establishment of the Alberta Retired Teachers ’ Association , and that , in my opinion , is worthy of celebration .
In 1963 , retired teachers in Calgary , Edmonton , and Lethbridge formed the first three branches of ARTA . These pioneer members had concerns about pensions , health care , and quality of life for seniors . They realized that the way to start dealing with these concerns was to join together . Did they envision the organization that would grow from this foundation that they built ? Probably not .
From this small beginning , our organization has grown , bit by bit , every year . We have eighteen branches now , including one in British Columbia , and 30,000 members across Canada . The work of ARTA is driven by volunteers who give their time to serve on ARTA committees or on the Board of Directors . A team of multi-talented employees , fifty in number , takes the plans and ideas of our committees and helps to bring them to fruition .
What would those original members think if they were able to see where we are now ? Certainly , they would be pleased to know that our pension plan through ATRF is healthy , providing security for us in the future . The ARTA benefit plans would be a source of wonder for them . How could they ever have foreseen that we would administer a plan that would be the envy of many health care insurance providers , with amazing
benefits for members at a very affordable price ? The idea that we would operate our own successful pharmacy would have seemed impossible to them . ARTA enhances our lives — providing opportunities to participate in wellness activities , offering scholarships to our children and grandchildren , making financial wellness information available to members , producing this amazing magazine which keeps us entertained and informed , and engaging in advocacy about the issues of retired teachers and for seniors in general . I think they would have been very proud to see the progress this association has made .
As to ARTA ’ s future , the possibilities are boundless . It is exciting to consider where we may find ourselves in the next ten years .
ARTA has been making a difference , working for the benefit of its members , for sixty years . I am thankful for those early ARTA members who understood that by working together , much could be accomplished . I am also grateful to all those who continue this good work today .
Sly & the Family Stone said it well in one of their songs when they encouraged us to
“ celebrate , celebrate , dance to the music , and have a good time .”
Please join us in the dance .
news & views AUTUMN 2023 | 5