news&views Autumn 2022 | Page 9

Deadline for Entries : Friday , November 18 , 2022 Announcement of Winners : spring issue of news & views ( March 2023 )
spread , unless it ’ s the autumn issue , in which the winning entries for the photo contest take centre stage on glossy paper . Fitting one- and two-page articles before and after that centre focus calls for some fancy footwork in some issues . Tony ’ s good at that . Sometimes this tells us that an article needs to have fewer words ( back to an editor ) or that an article can be added or perhaps has to be left out this time .
With the flat plan in place , the design team jumps into gear and a week later , the rest of the production team rejoices to see a mock-up of the new issue . After a few days of back-and-forth on articles and graphics , the band of proofreaders ( about twelve of us : copy editors , production team , the chair of the Communications Committee , the ARTA president ) receive a print copy , and we all fall in to find any errors that crept in or to suggest design revisions that will show the articles to better effect . I gather all those comments together into one online document and pass that on to the design team .
Another couple back-and-forths with the designers to be sure everything has been caught , and it ’ s off to the printer for a hard copy printer ’ s proof . Daniel has a final look ( he had checked for legal and branding proprieties earlier ) and the design team gives the nod to the printers to proceed . At this point , the web-based PDF and digital magazine versions can be finalized . Within ten days , depending on weekends and holidays , the printer assures us that the mailing is complete . Soon readers ’ comments start wending their way back to the board , the staff , and the production team . We appreciate hearing what you think of each issue ! And that leads us into the next issue .
I love this job !


Deadline for Entries : Friday , November 18 , 2022 Announcement of Winners : spring issue of news & views ( March 2023 )

Entry Categories
Short Story 800-word maximum
40-line maximum Any form , any subject
Travel Vignette 500-word maximum
How to Submit
Electronic entries — NEW PROCESS THIS YEAR Online submissions will be managed through the Reviewr website . Visit my . reviewr . com / site / ARTAwritingcontest to create an account and submit your entry or entries .
Handwritten or typed manuscripts to Writing Contest , c / o ARTA Office , 15505 137 Avenue NW , Edmonton , AB T5V 1R9
Visit arta . net / writing-contest for more details relating to the categories , contest rules , and entry forms .

arta . net / writing-contest

news & views AUTUMN 2022 | 9