ARTA Bookshelf
Rafting the Great Northern Rivers : The Nahanni , Firth , and Tatshenshini by Werner J . Becker . Friesen Press , 2021 . Travel guide . This book describes the author ’ s experiences on three northern rivers , with many photographs , and sidebars on the natural and human history of the rivers .
Parsonage People : The Family Story of Rudy and Emma Busch by Marcus Busch . First Choice , 2022 . Family History . Spanning the nineteenth , twentieth , and twenty-first centuries in six countries on three continents , this story reveals a family that is like others yet utterly distinct .
Incognito : The Astounding Life of Alexandra David-Neel by Dianne Harke . Sumeru Press , 2016 . Historical fiction . Based on the remarkable life of Alexandra David-Neel , 1868 – 1969 , spiritual seeker , feminist journalist , intrepid explorer , and Buddhist scholar .
Whispers Under the Baobab by Darlene Jones . Selfpublished ( e-readers ), 2017 . Mystery (# 2 in a duology ). My dream was college , not working in this dump trying to save Old Lady Flo . Now , I ’ ve been kidnapped . He thinks I know her secrets .
ARTA Bookshelf : Anyone interested in reading further is welcome to search out these books through the publishers or other book sellers . While we proudly celebrate our authors , displaying them on the Bookshelf is not an endorsement of any of these books .
With a photo of the book cover , a few publication details , and a 25-word description of the book , ARTA members who are recently published have a chance to share their success with our readers . Send details to nveditor @ arta . net . The ARTA Bookshelf is available at no cost ; paid advertising opportunities continue to be available through marketing @ arta . net . news & views AUTUMN 2022 | 57