news&views Autumn 2022 | Page 15

Proust Questionnaire

Andreea Lucaci | Pharmacy Controller , ARTARx

Andreea Lucaci Responds to a Proust Questionnaire

What is something you have made that you are proud of ?
My small vegetable garden . We started testing with different plants and herbs about nine years ago , and we can finally say we have found our keepers . This year we have over twelve types of vegetables and herbs . Even though the gardening season in Edmonton is very short , nothing compares to the happiness and satisfaction of watching things grow and develop or seeing my daughters harvesting the tomatoes . Our secret is keeping it simple : watering and weeding as needed , and not using any chemicals , the same way our parents and grandparents used to do it .
What is your idea of happiness ?
What is your favourite virtue ?
Gratitude . Being thankful for the things we have in our lives and showing appreciation to those who are most important to us . Even a simple thank you or returning a favour makes a big difference and shows your appreciation .
How do you find meaning in life ?
I love what I do , I love my family , and I appreciate where I am and what I have . I am also a planner and I like to have realistic goals ; it gives me a purpose . I like to do small things that bring happiness to me and my family ( cooking and baking with my girls , volunteering , and gardening , to name a few ) and worry less about material things .
I think happiness is a mindset . I can either wait to win the lottery to be happy ( and if I do this , I will never be happy ) or I can try to enjoy the small moments of my life . It can be a walk in the park , a family vacation , my kids laughing , or breaking things and trying to fix them . Happiness is a choice I make every day by being okay with not having everything I ever wanted and not being in control of everything that happens in my life .
What is the quality you like most in a person ?
Empathy . I think in today ’ s world , so many people jump to conclusions about other people without really knowing them . It is so important to look beyond your first impression , ask questions , and get to know someone before you judge them . When you understand where they are coming from and consider their life experience , you are sure to find some common ground . news & views AUTUMN 2022 | 15