Marilyn Bossert | Regional Representative for Western Canada , ACER-CART
The Satisfaction of an In-Person AGM
ACER-CART delegates prevailed despite limited flights , Toronto airport challenges , and the COVID-19 protocols necessary to keep everyone safe . After the three-year hiatus , representatives from eleven of the provincial and territorial member organizations were delighted to meet in person in Ottawa for the thirty-first annual general meeting .
As the national voice of retired educators , ACER- CART focuses on priorities evolving from issues affecting the well-being of seniors across Canada .
Political Advocacy : As many as eighty-seven per cent of seniors prefer to age in their own homes . With the appropriate government supports , this becomes not only a desirable option for seniors but could also expedite potential savings to healthcare costs . To assist politicians and all others who are involved with government initiatives , two information sheets have been prepared . They can be found at
acer-cart . org / advocacy-links . All retirees are encouraged to become familiar with them and to share them with their elected representatives . Watch for another letter-writing campaign in the fall .
Health Services : Members are encouraged to ( 1 ) stay familiar with power of attorney legislation , ( 2 ) promote the need for an independent seniors ’ advocate or ombudsperson in their province , ( 3 ) advocate for the high dose flu vaccine if it is not available in their jurisdiction , and ( 4 ) stay up-to-date with current health funding , keeping in mind that while the federal government provides funding and some framework , it is the provinces and territories that make decisions on how and where health dollars are spent .
Pension and Retirement Income : Advocacy for more secure incomes including pension plan protection for retirees , improvements to the Canada Pension Plan , and especially awareness of the threats to defined benefit plans .
2022 – 23 ACER-CART Priorities
ACER-CART will , in collaboration with like-minded organizations , a ) advocate for the development and implementation of a National Seniors Strategy ,
b ) monitor the federal government ’ s implementation of a national universal pharmacare program , including the establishment of a Canada Drug Agency and implementation of a national formulary ,
c ) monitor the Canada Health Act and the bilateral health funding agreements with the provinces and territories ,
d ) advocate for a health care system that prioritizes care in seniors ’ own homes for as long as possible , and
e ) advocate for regulations governing retirement and long-term care homes with emphasis on improving patient respect , working conditions , training , and staff wages .
ACER-CART will advocate for the protection of all retiree pensions , with emphasis on the preservation and enhancement of defined benefit pension plans .
ACER-CART will seek to continue elevating the profile of our national association in our provincial associations and at all levels of government and beyond .
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