From Our Partners
Dan Keon | Vice President , Market Management , Allianz Global Assistance Canada
in the Moments that Matter
When planning a trip , looking after certain details beforehand can make it feel like you have been wrapped in a warm embrace . The same should be true when it comes to the attention you receive if the unexpected happens while you ’ re away . As your travel insurance provider , Allianz Global Assistance is an experienced companion you can count on for expert assistance , guided care , and support . With Allianz at your side , you can feel safe and secure from the beginning to the end of your journey .
Easing You into Safe Travels
Before you leave , Allianz provides you with
● knowledgeable pre-trip assistance to help you prepare for a great trip ;
● pre-screening and recommendations for local hospitals before you leave to help ensure you receive quality treatment in an emergency ;
● easy-to-access country-specific information available online that prepares you to navigate a medical emergency at your destination .
Blanketing You in Care
Once on your journey , Allianz
● is there 24 / 7 / 365 with a calm , caring , reassuring voice if you need emergency assistance ;
● refers you to the most accessible and appropriate medical care at your destination based on your unique health-care needs ;
● connects you with Virtual Care from a physician via video or teleconference when appropriate ;
● maintains a worldwide network of over 900,000 trusted physicians and hospitals ;
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