From Our Partners
Erika Healy , RPN | Nurse Care Specialist , HumanaCare
“ Back to Normal ” After the Pandemic
In March 2020 , the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a worldwide pandemic . For some people that seems like a lifetime ago , while for others it feels just like yesterday . During the last eighteen months , most of us have had to adapt to a new routine , with changes being announced daily , including multiple lockdowns and waves of the pandemic . The way we socialized with family and friends completely changed , only seeing people through a screen .
As the world begins to slowly reopen and public health announcements lay the groundwork for lifting restrictions , many people may be feeling excited to get back to some normalcy . Most can ’ t wait to wrap their arms around children and grandchildren . However , some may feel anxious about a return to pre-pandemic life . Although the shift to reopening may seem like a light at the end of the tunnel , it can stir up fear of what the “ new normal ” will look like or how long it will last . The unclear timeline and uncertainty of when things will return to the “ old normal ” may evoke a wide range of emotions . It ’ s normal to feel some apprehension about returning to our pre-pandemic routines and increased social interaction . After all , we ’ ve been told that proximity to others comes with risk since the pandemic started . There are many ways to start to ease back into our normal everyday lives .
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