SbuOne ’ s blue bull with female figure also has a dramatic folkloric motif but in a more Spanish or Mexican style . It represents the combination of masculine and feminine within us .
One of my favourite artists is Elena Bushan whose works combine realistic images and fantasy . One very detailed work is brilliantly coloured with images of fish , birds , beasts , and flowers surrounding a goddess holding the earth .
While most of the murals in the Beltline were commissioned , the Sunnyside community encouraged people to decorate their garages and fences . While some work was completed by professionals , others were done by the homeowners . One fence portraying many fantastical creatures was designed by a young man in honour of his grandmother and painted by the whole family . Most of these murals are hidden in the alleys so one has to really explore the area to find them . Expect to see bicycles on rooftops and guitars used as the bodies of painted butterflies .
This year , with patios extending onto sidewalks and even into the streets , BUMP has encouraged painting murals on the concrete barriers dividing the bike lanes and patios . One such divider outside the Duke shows arcade games and beer cans , reflecting the activities of the establishment .
Maps showing the locations of these artworks can be found on the internet ; however , there are so many that it will take several visits to discover them all , thus providing Calgarians with lots of viewing opportunities while exploring in the fresh air .
And Beyond Create your own mural walking tour wherever you are . There are options in Grande Prairie , Edmonton , Lacombe , Red Deer , Lethbridge , Medicine Hat , Newell Region , and Taber Region . While someone has named Lacombe the Mural Capital of Alberta , Legal , Alberta , has been declared the Mural Capital of Canada .
Rosemary Kennedy is a retired teacher-librarian who worked in Calgary and her home province of Newfoundland . She loves to read , sing , travel , and explore the outdoors . Walking with friends was one of her favourite pandemic survival techniques . news & views AUTUMN 2021 | 45