not enjoy being in a crowd of unfamiliar people but still savour travelling to unexplored destinations .
When two people with different comfort zones get together , the relationship requires finesse . Ideally , they find a compromise that allows one to be more adventurous while the other feels safe .
There ’ s likely a neurological basis for some extreme forms of avoidance , which brings us back to the age-old “ nature or nurture ” argument . Is there a genetic predisposition to being less fearless , or is it as a result of being raised a certain way ?
Human development has relied on a balance between reckless confidence and paralyzing fear . We wouldn ’ t be here if our ancestors weren ’ t wary of new and unknown food sources , for example . At the same time , our survival is dependent on those willing to take risks , putting that mysterious mushroom in their mouth for the first time .
The first step to break out of a comfort zone is understanding . Understanding potential risk is key to preservation , and knowledge-keepers are invaluable . Without oral tradition , stories , and written testimony , our ancestors were more likely to have suffered losses . In today ’ s terms , reading and research can help make a person more confident in learning a new task or conquering a fear . Learning expands our ability to think beyond the borders of our current circumstances .
When attempting a daunting new activity , a person first must develop a sense of confidence in the task . This can be done by repeatedly performing the same activity successfully or by performing a number of different tasks successfully to build overall confidence .
Exposure therapy , including virtual reality therapy ( VRT ) can help with some fears such as social anxiety disorder and PTSD . More recently , clinical trials using psilocybin to treat anxiety have shown great promise .
As we age , change becomes increasingly difficult to manage and accept , often leaving older folks to accept their circumstances as they might accept a destiny . A sudden change in circumstances can be devastating to those who aren ’ t accustomed to testing their limits .
Don ’ t let your comfort zone become a complacency zone , the place where no forward movement takes place . Complacency results from procrastination and inaction .
My father was a creature of habit , and I have to admit I ’ ve retained some of his quirks . Some are simply conveniences ; others are routines I ’ ve adopted to make life easier . I have to admit , I eat the same thing for breakfast every day just like my father did .
We all experience anxiety at times , but it usually dissipates when we recognize that we are not alone on the journey to expand our horizons .
Jane Thrall is retired and living in a mediumsized comfort zone with average-sized challenges on the occasional public speaking event . She has stopped picturing her audience in their underwear . news & views AUTUMN 2021 | 41