ARTA Announces…
Self-Administration of the
ARTA Retiree Benefits Plan
ARTA’s spring issue of news&views had the theme of embracing change. Behind the scenes,
the organization was doing just that. With regulatory changes to Health & Welfare Trusts
being introduced by the federal government, the opportunity presented itself for ARTA to
self‐administer its Retiree Benefits Plan. Historically, ARTA has contracted a third-party benefits
administrator (currently ASEBP) to do this on our behalf.
What does this mean for you?
Effective January 1, 2021, ARTA will now be a one-stop shop for ARTA members. ARTA will
not only manage ARTA membership, but will also administer the Retiree Benefits Plan —
withdrawing premiums and working directly with our claims adjudicator to review and reimburse
eligible health and dental claims. All your calls, emails, and mail will go to one location and be
responded to by one team of ARTA staff. Communications and processes will be streamlined, as
everything will now go through ARTA, and you will no longer need to contact ASEBP.
By self-administering the Retiree Benefits Plan, ARTA will be able to use funds budgeted for
third-party administration fees and reinvest it back into the plan. This change will also allow us
to make significant improvements to the way the plan is administered, including the capabilities
for online claim submissions and a smartphone app.
What does this mean for ARTA?
Over the next several months, there will be significant changes
at the ARTA office as we prepare for self-administration.
These changes include a larger office space, new staff, new
systems, and new processes. You will receive monthly updates
— through news&views magazine, ARTAfacts, and direct
mail — with relevant information as you need it.
It is imperative that you read each piece to
ensure a smooth transition.
The ARTA Board of Directors, officers, and
staff are excited about this opportunity to
better serve our membership and strengthen
the sustainability of the organization. We look
forward to continuing to provide our members
with one of the best retiree benefit plans in
the country.
If you have any questions, please refer to our
website for a list of
frequently asked questions, or submit additional
questions to
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